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Italian military tunnels in the First World War

11 May 2020

During the First World War, particularly in the years 1915-1917, along the Italian front that stretched from the Valle d'Aosta to the Gulf of Trieste, intense activities of tunnel excavation were carried out for various military purposes. Some of these underground works, many of which are still well preserved and can be visited thanks to the constant effort of maintenance and restoration made by the local authorities, are surprising in view of the environmental difficulties and the technological challenges that had to be faced for their realization. There is a vast literature that deals with this subject mainly from the historical and biographical points of view.
This work, on the other hand, aims to focus on the technical and technological aspects, the human and material resources, and the design and construction methods used to excavate tunnels that, today, appear extraordinary in relation to the historical period and the difficulties encountered during excavation.

The article, extracted from n.133 (March 2020) of the magazine "Gallerie e Grandi Opere Sotterranee" (quarterly periodical, recognized by the C.N.R., of SIG) is available for download in English.

All magazine issues, in digital format, are available and can be purchased on the site of SIG in the dedicated section: http://www.societaitalianagallerie.it/menu/rivista-gallerie/presentazione/

The SIG (Italian Tunnelling Society), of which Pro Iter S.r.l. is a Supporting Member, is an association with cultural aims which promotes, coordinates and divulges studies and research in the field and art of the construction of tunnels and large underground works.

To subscribe to SIG: http://www.societaitalianagallerie.it/menu/associazione/Iscrizione/