
Hydro installation on Val Boite

New installation in the province of Belluno
Owner/client Dolomiti Derivazioni s.r.l.
Type of service Final Design; Environmental Impact Assessment
Location Municipality of Cortina d'Ampezzo, Borca di Cadore, Vodo di Cadore and S.Vito di Cadore
Period 2009 - 2010
Cost € 85.900.000

The design concerns a new run-of-river hydroelectric installation that shall be set up along the Boite torrent in the province of Belluno, with an offtake regulator in the municipality of Cortina d’Ampezzo and a power station in the municipality of Borca di Cadore, along the Vodo artificial lake.

This final design, along with the environmental impact study, is attached to the application for the granting of water supply for hydro-electric purposes, according to applicable law. The run-of-river hydro installation has a very simple scheme: it consists of a single offtake regulator, located on the Boite torrent in the southern part of the municipality of Cortina d'Ampezzo, just downstream of the point where the brook Federa runs into the Boite.

The diverted waters – after being processed to remove sand – run from the offtake regulator into a long natural tunnel (approx. 12.1 km), and reach a filling construction, from where a 725 m long buried pressure pipe conducts water to the power station located by the Vodo lake in the municipality of Borca di Cadore. Here water is whirled by two Francis units and returned to the Boite torrent through a short drainage ditch.

Flow rate

Maximum value: 13.5 mc/s; average value: 5.79 mc/s; released flow rate (DMV): 1.148 mc/s.

Plant production

Annual production: 103.7 GWh/year.

Other features

Total annual volume: 182'467'549 mc.