Environmental remediations

Ospedale Maggiore, Milan Polyclinic

Certification of remediation for the new hospital construction area
Owner/client Techint S.p.A.
Type of service Bonifica ambientale
Location Milano
Period 2018 - 2019
Cost -

The remediation works are part of the requalification project of the Policlinico of Milan which include also the construction of the new hospital.

The certification of the reclamation of the area where the new hospital will be built is part of the redevelopment project of the area of the Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico "Mangiagalli e Regina Elena" of Milan. The End-of-Work Report, aimed at requesting the reclamation certification, relates to Phase 1A / Lot 1b of the approved Operational Reclamation Project and the subsequent variant authorisations.

The activities, carried out between 18/09/2014 and 22/07/2019, substantially in accordance with the approved Land Reclamation Project, consisted mainly of demolitions (of buildings and underground and above-ground structures and flooring), the dismantling and removal of underground tanks, the relocation of the 'Cavo Bolagnos', the excavation and removal of contaminated soil and backfill material, and backfilling.

Excavation area

area covered: 25,000 sqm

Excavation volume

Total volume: 60,000 cubic metres

Material disposal

Net volume of excavated soil and rocks delivered to the plant: 28,000 cubic metres

In the course of the works for the excavation and transfer to the plant of the soil and for the construction of the retaining systems by means of sheet piling, it became necessary to make changes to the project and technical notes to the competent authorities.

The activities carried out by Pro Iter Ambiente included: technical and regulatory support for waste management in relation to the reclamation work, with particular reference to the rubble from the demolition of underground structures and to excavated earth and rocks; technical and regulatory support for the preparation of project variants, technical notes on the progress of the work to the PP. AA. and completion of the environmental reclamation process; technical support during the testing of the walls and the bottom of the excavations in discussion with ARPA; the preparation of the end of works report and the application for certification of completion of reclamation pursuant to Legislative Decree 152/06 art. 248 paragraph 2.

The project area, called Central Building, is where the new hospital is to be built (designed by Stefano Boeri).