Roads & Motorways

New Milan Outer Eastern By-Pass (TEEM)

A road system for Milan, wider than the current one
Owner/client Milano Tangenziali S.p.A.
Type of service Preliminary Design; Final and Detailed Design of connected works; Works Supervision
Location Provinces of Milano, Lodi and Monza & Brianza
Period 2002 - 2012
Cost €

PRO ITER Prog. Infrastr. Terr. (15%), SPEA Ingegneria Europea, SINA, Technital, GIRPA

A design aimed at solving more effectively the traffic problems in one of the busiest areas in Italy. A work that will absorb more than 75'000 vehicles per day, 35'000 of which from local traffic, thereby saving 9 million driving hours p.a. A state-of-art achievement in terms of structural features and environmental friendliness.

The TEEM and the relevant road system have been designed to provide a concrete answer to the need for fast and safe travels with a low environmental impact in the Eastern area of Milan. They are an integral part of the enhancement of the Milan and Lombard road system, together with the Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda and the Direttissima Brescia-Bergamo-Milano.

The new infrastructure shall directly connect the A4 motorway Turin-Trieste (through the junction of Agrate Brianza) with the A1 motorway Milan-Bologna (in the municipality of Cerro al Lambro), developing over a route of total 32 km.

The design of the work envisages a three-lane layout per driving direction with an emergency lane; in addition, the most modern technologies shall be used to ensure maximum safety for travelers and to reduce sound and environmental pollution.

The road project

32 km of freeway section; 38 km of new roads; 15 km of upgrading of existing roads; 30 km of new cycle paths; 6 interconnecting junctions

The works

16 km of noise barriers; 120 hydraulic works.

The environment

260 hectares of green areas.


The TEEM route shall be interconnected with the existing and planned motorways (A1 Milan-Bologna, Bre.Be.Mi. and A4 Turin-Trieste) and also with the ordinary road network in the area (through junctions in Pessano con Bornago, Gessate, Pozzuolo Martesana, Liscate, Paullo and Vizzolo Predabissi).

In addition to the motorway route, the design includes 19 modifications of the interconnected secondary road system ('related works') in order to upgrade and implement the major existing crossing roads, providing an infrastructure fully integrated in the territory and significantly improving the road standards and connections between primary and secondary network. Therefore, the design phase of the related works has focused on upgrading and improving the major existing roads, connecting them, if necessary, to the new motorway road and facilitating connection of the latter with the relevant areas in order to decongest the secondary network (otherwise highly penalized).

During the design phase, besides the correct choice of the roadway type (based on the features and conformation of the crossed territory), special attention was paid to environmental protection, with notable works of sound insulation and protection of the hydrographic network and the irrigation canals. In addition, several environmental compensations have been introduced, with several areas turned into green spaces with naturalistic function, a proper 'soft mobility' and the identification and design of new footway and cycle lanes.

TEEM and the related road system were created to provide an effective response to the need for rapid, safe and environmentally friendly travel in the Eastern quadrant of Milan.