Environmental remediations

Portovesme industrial hub: sewer networks

Study for performance analysis of plant sewer networks
Owner/client Portovesme S.r.l.
Type of service Environmental remediation
Location Portoscuso (SU)
Period 2018
Cost -

The Portoscuso production site, in operation since 1970 for Zinc and Lead production, is located within the Portovesme Industrial Park, in the south-western sector of Sardinia, and falls within the Sulcis-Iglesiente-Guspinese Site of National Interest.

In the area, extended to about 70 hectares, there is a contamination in soils and groundwater by compounds of an exclusively inorganic nature.

For this site in 2018, the revision of the Operational Remediation Project was approved by the MATTM with Italian Decree No. 55: this is framed as the Operational Safety Project (MISO) and affects the matrices surface soil and deep soil.

With the land reclamation works start at this site by means of excavation/disposal operations (Phase 1A) and the subsequent covering of surfaces with capping (Phase 1B), the need arose to assess the capacity of the plant's current sewage system to manage the increased intake of rainwater resulting from the waterproofing of a large area previously kept green.

Case Studies

3 Case studies (State of the art, Phase in place, Post-Operam Phase) in order to understand the response of the hydraulic system to the various phases of the remediation activities.

Hydrological-hydraulic model

Implementation of a model to evaluate the collection system.

Reservoir volumes

Optimal redistribution of reservoir volumes as a function of the size of the reservoirs.

The following aspects were considered in the development of the hydraulic functionality study of the sewer system:

  1. Efficiency of the water catchment system;
  2. Runoff capacity of the drainage network;
  3. Reservoir capacity of the drainage network.

The hydraulic modeling activity was conducted on the basis of available topographic data and articulated in 3 phases.

Phase 1: definition of the methodological approach by sharing with the Client a methodological proposal in which the executive modalities of the study itself have been explained;

Phase 2: performance analysis of the net of the meteoric waters through the elaboration of the hydraulic model through the retrieval and the analysis of the historical data of rain. Subsequently, the performance analysis of the existing networks has been carried out, with particular reference to the one destined to the conveyance of the meteoric waters. Moreover, have been carried out the opportune appraisals on the volumes of necessary reservoir to assure the correct feeding of the existing purification plant;

Phase 3: restitution of output data through the drawing up of conclusive reports in which the causes of possible hydraulic insufficiencies linked to the collection and conveyance of meteoric waters were identified.

Thanks to the hydrological-hydraulic study, it was possible to plan the subsequent interventions necessary to overcome and mitigate the criticalities found.