The new link road between the S.S.205 'Amerina' and S.S.71 'Umbro-Casentinese' main national roads is located in the Orvieto city council area. It makes up part of the local road system upgrading plan designed to ensure a greater level of access to the Orvieto Hospital Complex (found in the town of Ciconia) and provide an alternative route between Orvieto Scalo and Ciconia (at present only linked by the Adunata bridge on the River Paglia).
The route starts from the existing S.S.71 main national road and runs perpendicular to the motorway up to the A1 itself, crossing the River Paglia valley on a 240 m span viaduct. It then continues parallel to the A1 motorway for about 1.8 km, before leaving its side and crossing it through a new underpass. After passing under the existing Rome-Florence railway viaduct, the remaining stretch joins the S.S.205 main national road near the access intersection to Orvieto castle.
ContinueThe main structures found along the route are:
1) Viaduct on the River Paglia: this is the main structure along the route and consists of a deck with three spans (70 m + 100 m +70 m) on load bearing steel beams tapered along their length to create low arched bays. Thanks to a precise hydraulic study, the structure is designed to withstand the bicentennial flood of the Paglia, as laid down in the Hydrogeological Structure Plan drawn up by the River Tiber basin authority.
2) A1 motorway underpass: the underpass will be built in stages, thus guaranteeing the continuity of the overlying motorway traffic during the work. The structure consists of a portal (with side walls made of piles and upper slab cast in situ) for the stretch located directly under the motorway roadbed, and "U"-shaped walls for the mouth sections.
Main features of "Paglia" viaduct: Composite steel-concrete section; 3 spans (70+100+70 meters); Total width: 13.10 meters.