Roads & Motorways

Pedemontana Lombarda motorway

A new road system with an overall development of approx. 157 km involving 5 Lombard provinces
Owner/client Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda S.p.A.
Type of service Preliminary Design; Environmental Impact Assessment
Location Lombardy Region
Period 2002 - 2004
Cost € 4.3000.000.000

PRO ITER Prog. Infrastr. Terr. (21%); SPEA Ingegneria Europea; Other partners

The Autostrada Pedemontana Lombarda is a major road infrastructure that crosses a mainly urban, densely populated and heavily built-up territory, which developed disorderly and where there remains very little of the original landscape.

The Pedemontana Lombarda consists of 67 km motorway, making up the main axis from Cassano Magnago to Osio Sotto, 20 km of by-pass roads (divided between the by-pass road systems of Varese and Como, with 11 and 9 km length respectively) and 70 km of related roads that will help decongest the local road network.

Of the 67 km motorway, just under 20, from Meda to Vimercate, will have three lanes per driving direction, while the remaining sections (from Busto Arsizio to Meda and from Vimercate to the A4, in addition to the by-pass roads of Como and Varese) and the by-pass roads will have two lanes per driving direction. The related roads will have one lane per driving directions.

This is a very complex accomplishment, both in terms of engineering and environment, due to the route length, the importance of the infrastructures connected and the kind of territory involved (the densely populated and highly industrialized area north of Milan, from Varese to Bergamo).

Main Axis

About 65.7 km

Varese bypass

About 10.6 km

Como bypass

About 9 km

With the Pedemontana Lombarda, the following objectives shall be achieved:

a) to strengthen the East-West axis along Corridor 5 of the TEN-T network of the European Union;

b) to relieve the current by-pass road system of Milan by means of an outer road link;

c) to integrate the large regional road network with the interconnection of the major Milan radial roads into a new orthogonal grid;

d) to reorganize the whole piedmont road system: by displacing significant traffic volumes to the new roads, it will be possible to reduce the current problems of the ordinary roads;

e) to improve the fragile relationship between infrastructure and environment in a highly critical and environmentally sensitive area, with overall positive effects in terms of landscape and sound and environmental pollution, above all close to inhabited centers.

In order to minimize environmental impact and due to the difficulty of crossing one of the most densely built-up areas in Europe, the route shall develop for almost three quarters of the 87 km of motorway and by-pass roads under the natural surface, almost invisible, in trenches and in natural or artificial tunnels.

Total length 85.3 km; Main axis 65.7 km; Varese bypass 10.6 km; Como bypass 9 km.